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Tours, Talks & Presentations

East Gippsland Water

East Gippsland Water is able to provide a range of FREE educational presentations and tours for schools and community groups which can be tailor-made to meet specific requirements.

Click on the link below to submit a booking form.


Educational Tours Booking Form

    Educational Tours Booking Form

    * indicates required field


    * Name of School / Community Group / Organisation

    * Contact Name

    * Phone Number

    * Contact Email Address

    Tour information

    * Preferred tour date

    * What time would suit you for your tour?

    * How long would you like the tour to run for?

    * How many people will be attending on the day (maximum)?

    If you are a school group, how many teachers / parents / helpers will you be bringing along (maximum)?

    Does anyone in your group have special needs or require assistance (walking aid or wheelchair)? (select if yes)

    Description of special needs or requirements

    Site Information

    * Which type of system would you like to visit?

    * Please select the town system you wish to visit

    For the Mitchell Supply System please select which site to visit.

    If you would like to visit additional sites please note them here

    Any additional information relevant to your tour or subject being studied.

    By submitting this form, you accept the above terms and conditions

    Educational Incursions are currently on hold. We are revieweing our educational materials and will be launching new Water Literacy information in 2024.


    There are opportunities to visit East Gippsland Water facilities located around the region including water and wastewater treatment plants, as well as water storage’s, and to find out more about a major multi-million-dollar program of initiatives underway to ensure long-term water security.

    Talks & Presentations

    Learn more about the Corporation’s water and wastewater operations including its collection, treatment and supply of drinking water to customers and the use of recycled water to benefit local communities, businesses and the environment. Incursions can be developed to suit the individual needs of the school or community group. The days or shorter sessions are developed in conjunction with teachers or leaders and are tailored to meet the requirements of the curriculum or other educational documents. If there is a particular activity, session, or theme you would like further explored please contact East Gippsland Water’s Community Engagement team.

    Topics that can be covered include:

    • tips to use water efficiently;
    • the water cycle;
    • ensuring the long-term security of drinking water supplies;
    • water quality;
    • water treatment;
    • wastewater treatment and water recycling;
    • environmental sustainability.

    Some of the activities we undertake include;

    • Whizzy’s Incredible Journeys – Big Book
    • Polluting the Mitchell River – interactive story looking at catchments and pollution
    • EGWater Challenge – competitive games looking at the different aspects of water and wastewater
    • Building water filters
    • Catchment to Tap rely race
    • Water Treatment in a box – an interactive story looking at how drinking water can be impacted by pollution and how water treatment is undertaken
    • Is this item Water Efficient or not? interactive activity