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Change of Tenancy

Information for moving in or out of a property

Tenants moving in or out of a property need to provide East Gippsland Water with 48 hours (two working days) notice. This gives us time to read the water meter if required, set up new accounts and/or send out final accounts.

Tenancy forms can be completed by the tenant, landlord or real estate agent.


Please see the four tenant forms below. The first and second form relate to residential tenants only. The third and fourth form relate to commercial (non-residential) tenants only. 

East Gippsland Water requires a meter reading when a tenant moves into or out of a property. This reading can be provided by either the landlord (or managing agent of the landlord) or the residential tenant themselves within five (5) business days of the lease start or end date. A photo of the meter reading can be submitted within the forms below. If we are not provided with a current water meter reading, East Gippsland Water may carry out this meter reading at a cost of $82.49 (2024/25).

Please Note – once you have submitted the form, if you are not redirected to a ‘Thank you for submitting’ page or a thank you message at the bottom of the page, please contact East Gippsland Water to ensure your application has accepted.

Terms and Conditions

I understand and acknowledge that:

  • The information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 
  • East Gippsland Water may refuse this application if any supporting documents or information provided is incomplete or false. 
  • I approve of the information that has been provided in this application. 
  • At least two working days’ notice must be given prior to moving in/vacating for a meter reading to be undertaken.

East Gippsland Water adheres to information privacy principles contained in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Information Privacy Act 2000. For a copy of our Personal Privacy Charter please contact us, or click here to view it online.

Hard Copies

If you would prefer a hard copy version of the above forms, please download a version here:

New Residential Tenancy Form

Vacate Residential Tenancy Form

New Commercial Tenancy Form

Vacate Commercial Tenancy Form

Commercial Vacate Tenant Form

    * indicates required field

    Applicant Details

    * Applicant Type
    * Your First Name
    * Your Surname
    * Email Address
    * Company/Organisation (if applicable)
    Real Estate Agent Phone Number (if applicable)

    Commercial Tenants Details

    Company / Business Name
    * Company / Business Number
    * ABN Number
    * Contact First Name
    * Contact Surname
    * Contact Number
    Email Address
    * Postal Address
    * Delivery Method for Final Account

    Property Information

    * Vacating Property Address
    * EGW Account Number
    * Is Trade Waste Applicable
    * Lease End Date
    * The Property Is Managed
    If by an agent, please provide name and branch of agent
    Landlords Name (or owner)
    Landlords Contact Number (or owner)

    Meter Reading

    Meter Number
    Meter Reading
    * Date of Reading

    Additional Comments

    Any Additional Information

    Commercial New Tenant Form

      * indicates required field

      Applicant Details

      * Applicant Type
      * Your First Name
      * Your Surname
      * Email Address
      * Company/Organisation (if applicable)
      Real Estate Agent Phone Number (if applicable)

      Commercial Tenants Details

      Company / Business Name
      * Company / Business Number
      * ABN Number
      * Contact First Name
      * Contact Surname
      * Contact Number
      Email Address
      * Postal Address
      * How would you like to receive your future water invoices and correspondence?

      Property Information

      * Occupying Property Address
      * Lease Start Date
      * The Property Is Managed
      If by an agent, please provide name and branch of agent
      Landlords Name (or owner)
      Landlords Contact Number (or owner)

      Meter Reading

      Meter Number
      Meter Reading
      * Date of Reading

      Additional Comments

      Any Additional Information

      Residential Vacate Tenant Form

        * indicates required field

        Applicant Details

        * Applicant Type
        * Your First Name
        * Your Surname
        * Email Address
        Company/Organisation (if applicable)
        Real Estate Agent Phone Number (if applicable)

        Vacating Tenant Details

        * Tenants First Name
        * Tenants Surname
        * Tenant's Date of Birth
        * Tenants Contact Number
        Tenants Email Address

        If no email entered, digital correspondence cannot be sent.
        * Tenants Forwarding Address
        * Final Account Delivery Method
        * Does the tenant need to be set up in another property?
        If yes, please provide property address and complete new tenant form
        * Are all account holders vacating this property?
        If no, name of remaining tenant

        Secondary Tenant

        * Is there a secondary tenant at this property?

        If there is a secondary tenant please ensure the below fields are filled in.

        First Name
        Secondary Tenant's Date of Birth
        Secondary Tenants Contact Number

        Property Information

        * Vacating Property Address
        * Lease End Date
        * The Property Is Managed
        If by an agent, please provide name and branch of agent
        Landlords Name (or owner)
        Landlords Contact Number (or owner)

        Meter Reading

        Meter Number
        Meter Reading
        * Date of Reading

        Additional Comments

        Any Additional Information

        Residential New Tenant Form

          * indicates required field

          Applicant Details

          * Applicant Type
          * Your First Name
          * Your Surname
          * Email Address

          If no email entered, digital correspondence cannot be sent.
          Company/Organisation (if applicable)
          Real Estate Agent Phone Number (if applicable)

          New Tenant Details

          * Tenants First Name
          * Tenants Surname
          * Tenant's Date of Birth
          * Tenants Contact Number
          Tenants Email Address

          If no email entered, digital correspondence cannot be sent.
          * Tenants Postal Address
          * How would you like to receive your future water invoices and correspondence?
          * Has the tenant previously held an account with EGW?
          What was the tenants previous address?
          * Does the tenant have a concession card?
          * Has the tenant updated their address with Centerlink?
          If yes to both, please enter the Concession Card Number or Veterans Affairs File Number
          East Gippsland Water will collect and use the information you have provided to perform an electronic enquiry of your Centrelink of Department of Veterans Affairs details to confirm if you are eligible for a concession rebate. This includes personal including your Name, Address, Concession Card Type and Status. If you do not provide your consent you may not be eligible for the concession. Your consent remains valid whilst you are a customer of East Gippsland Water and you can revoke your consent at any time by contacting us. You are required to notify us and your card issuer of any changes in your circumstances which may affect your eligibility for a concession. Do you authorise and understand that East Gippsland Water will perform an enquiry using Centrelink's Confirmation e-Service to confirm your concession eligibility?

          * I confirm that I have read and understood the above statements


          Secondary Tenant Details (If Applicable)

          Secondary Tenants First Name
          Secondary Tenants Surname
          Secondary Tenant's Date of Birth
          Secondary Tenants Contact Number

          Property Information

          * Occupying Property Address
          * Lease Start Date
          * The Property Is Managed
          If by an agent, please provide name and branch of agent
          Landlords Name (or owner)
          Landlords Contact Number (or owner)

          Meter Reading

          Meter Number
          Meter Reading
          * Date of Reading

          Additional Comments

          Any Additional Information