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Trade Waste

East Gippsland Water

What is Trade Waste?

Trade waste is any liquid waste (and substance contained in it) generated by any industry, business, trade or manufacturing process, other than domestic waste, acceptable for discharge to sewer. This waste may need to be treated before it is discharged to protect East Gippsland Water’s sewer systems.

A full definition of trade waste, is included in East Gippsland Water’s trade waste agreement.  For more information, please refer to our trade waste FAQ’s leaflet below.

Categories of Trade Waste

Minor Trade Waste Agreements

These cover the majority of agreements that East Gippsland Water enters into, and usually deals with standard types of trade waste, such as greasy waste generated by food preparation premises.

Major Trade Waste Agreements

These cover businesses generating large volumes of different types of trade waste.

Major Trade Waste Agreements are usually more complex than Minor Trade Waste Agreements and may involve a different level of charges.

Deemed Trade Waste

 Deemed customers are non-residential customers who discharge low volumes of low strength wastewater and are considered too small to require an agreement.

A deemed customer does not need to pay trade waste charges or hold a site-specific trade waste agreement.

These customers must advise East Gippsland Water of any changes to their waste discharge.

Please refer to East Gippsland Water’s Letter of Consent to Discharge for deemed trade waste customers below.

If in doubt, please call East Gippsland Water on 1800 671 841 to discuss.


For all categories please complete the application form below or download a hard copy here.

Trade Waste Application Form

    This form is to be completed by the business operator.

    All businesses that discharge trade waste into the sewerage system are required to have a Trade Waste Agreement with East Gippsland Water.
    You should complete all sections of this form to allow East Gippsland Water to fully consider this application.

    Following a successful application, you will be required to sign an East Gippsland Trade Waste Agreement which will include more detailed information.

    If you have any questions or require further information, please contact our Customer Business Team on 1800 671 841.

    * indicates required field

    Company/Business details

    * Property address (where the trade waste will be discharged)

    Postal address (if different from property address)

    * Business name

    * Business phone

    * Company/Business number

    * ABN

    Contact person

    * Contact person (full name)

    * Contact email



    AbattoirBakery/Pastry shopCafé/Coffee shopCar washingClinic/DentalCommercial car washCommercial swimming poolFood manufacturersHospital/MedicalIndustrial laundryIndustrial processingMechanical workshopMotel/Hotel kitchenPizza shopRestaurant/Fast food/Take outRetail fuel/Service stationRetirement/Nursing homeTruck or Large vehicle wash Other

    if other, please specify


    Acids/AlkalisAnimal wasteChemicals (pharmaceutical)Chemicals (agricultural)DetergentsDirt/Sand/GravelDisinfectantsFat/Cooking oilFood particlesHerbicides/PesticidesLaundry wasteMeat processing wasteMotor oil/PetroleumPlaster cast (medical)Salt/BrineVegetable/Processing waste Other

    if other, please specify


    I am establishing a new business which will produce trade waste.I am taking over an existing business which produces trade waste.I have an existing business producing trade waste and do not currently have a Trade Waste Agreement with East Gippsland Water.


    (If applicable)


    Grease TrapTriple InterceptorOther

    if other, please specify





    Fixtures in the food preparation / kitchen areas

    Number of fixtures

    Single sink

    Double sink

    Hand basin

    Floor waste/Drain(food preparation area)

    Wok table (waterless) without continuous water flow

    Wok table with continuous water connection

    Garbage/bin wash (max. 20m2 unroofed)

    Domestic dishwasher

    Commercial dishwasher

    Tunnel dishwasher

    Steam 'combi' oven

    Cleaners sink

    Glass washers

    (between the hours below)


    Waste removal contractor

    Please specify the EPA Registered Waste Removal Contractor that is/will be used and the frequency that the trade waste apparatus is/ will be cleaned out

    * Contractor

    * Current clean out frequency

    * Customer statement:
    I declare that the information provided in this form is true and correct.

    Additional comments

    Any Additional Information