Issued: Tuesday, 14 January 2020
East Gippsland Water, after consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services, advises that the Do Not Drink Tap Water Advisory Notice issued on Friday 3 January 2020 for Buchan is now lifted.
As a precaution, East Gippsland Water requests that customers connected to mains water, run the drinking water taps in their house for 2 minutes to flush their internal pipes.
Water quality monitoring confirms that the water is safe to drink and use from the tap as normal after internal flushing.
The Buchan Water Treatment Plant has returned to normal operations and can now meet day to day requirements. Our supply systems are designed for typical household use, not major bushfire events.
Please restrict water usage to essential use to conserve supplies.
East Gippsland Water will continue to monitor water quality at the water treatment plant.
We thank you for co-operation and understanding during this incident.
Steve McKenzie
Managing Director
East Gippsland Water