Local businesses and households stand to benefit from an East Gippsland Water project that will see 250m of ageing water main replaced along Macleod Street in Bairnsdale, between McCulloch and Pyke Streets.
The project will help boost the reliability of the local water supply network well into the future, as well as ensuring ready access to the water main for any maintenance and repairs.
On site work is due to start in February 2017, and will take approximately two to three months to complete, with the new main installed beneath the footpath on the northern side of Macleod Street.
This project is being carried out in conjunction with road upgrade works along Macleod Street by East Gippsland Shire Council, also planned for early in 2017.
Some temporary traffic, parking and water supply management measures may be necessary. Affected businesses and residents in the immediate area have been contacted and will continue to be updated as the water main replacement project progresses.
East Gippsland Water’s Managing Director, Bruce Hammond, said, “Every effort will be made to minimise any inconvenience and we would like to thank nearby businesses, residents and motorists for their patience and cooperation with this project, which will bring long term benefits for customers.”
The project is part of a $12 million program of investment in capital projects that the corporation is committed to for the current financial year across East Gippsland Water’s towns.
Customers with any queries about the Macleod Street water main works should contact East Gippsland Water on 1800 671 841.