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Business with East Gippsland Water

East Gippsland Water

Information for Suppliers

East Gippsland Water manages its multi-million dollar annual spend on goods, services and capital works by endeavouring to deliver the best outcomes for external stakeholders, local industry and the broader community.

This commitment is driven by:

  • The Financial Management Act 1994which has a set of Financial Standing Directions and Instructions detailing mandatory requirements in regard to financial management by agencies
  • The Project Development and Construction Management Act 1994 (Vic)which has a set of Ministerial Directions which are supported by mandatory instructions
  • The Ministerial Directions for public construction procurementprescribe principles and procedures that Victorian government departments and public bodies must follow when they procure public construction works and services.

However, we want to ensure best practice processes are implemented and we have adopted a procurement policy and standard operating procedure that not only ensures we comply, where required, but also that we take on the recommendations of non-mandatory guidelines as well.


Under our Procurement Policy, we commit to the following principles of procurement:

  • Value for Money – This is aimed at achieving the best overall outcome for money spent. It does not necessarily mean choosing the lowest price. Factors such as assurance of quality, reliable and timely delivery, Health Safety and Environment requirements, and possible ongoing maintenance and operational support, may be taken into consideration in procurement decisions
  • Probity – Procurement processes will be conducted with integrity, ethical behaviour, fairness and transparency
  • Accountability – Staff responsible for procurement will be held accountable for efficient and effective purchasing decisions
  • Purchasing Ethics –Staff must abide by our Code of Conduct.


East Gippsland Water is committed to ethical, sustainable and socially responsible procurement and we expect the same high standards of our suppliers. We view our suppliers as partners and we care about the way they do business when providing goods or services, including construction works and services, within our region.


The Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) describes the minimum expectations in the areas of: integrity, ethics and conduct; conflict of interest, gifts, benefits and hospitality; corporate governance; labour and human rights; health and safety, and environmental management. Suppliers are advised to review the Code and ensure that relevant areas of their business and supply chain meet these standards. Please see the our minimum ethical standards for suppliers page for further information.


Supplier Code of Conduct

We have implemented the Victorian Government’s Supplier Code of Conduct which forms the basis of our supplier relationships and partnerships. It applies to our Supplier Agreements and Purchase Orders. By entering into an agreement with us, you will be operating under the Supplier Code of Conduct. Read more about the Victorian Government’s Supplier Code of Conduct.


Gifts, benefits and hospitality

Our Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy sets out our standards for responding to gift offers. It is consistent with the standards set by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC).


Tender and supply conditions

Your tender must comply in all respects with the conditions of tendering that form part of the tender or offer documents. The closing date and time of our tenders are specified in the tender notice and tender documents.


How we do business

Procurement opportunities will be offered in a number of ways such as tenders, established panel contracts and quotes reliant on the procurement thresholds.


We undertake all purchasing and tendering activities in a fair and ethical manner, and commit to obtaining goods and services at the best value for money.

Procurement Activity Plan

Suppliers can find details of our current Procurement Activity Plan which outlines our future anticipated procurement activity. Click here to view the 2024-25 plan.


The Procurement Activity Plan is provided solely for informational purposes324 and it should not be relied upon for any reason. All planned procurement is subject to change, at any time, at East Gippsland Water’s discretion. All published estimated market release dates are indicative only. This information does not represent a solicitation or an invitation to supply, or a commitment by us to purchase the described goods, services and/or construction.

East Gippsland Water undertakes all purchasing and tendering activities in a fair and ethical manner, and commits to obtaining goods and services at the value for money.   

Procurement Thresholds:

EGW’s Procurement Governance Framework provides guidance for each level of procurement and the required approval gates for each level.


Amount (Incl GST)
Minimum Requirements
Up to $5,000

A minimum of one verbal/written quote or tender must be obtained that is demonstrated and recorded as being consistent with current market prices.

$5,001 – $50,000

A minimum of two written quotes or tenders must be sought.

$50,001 – $150,000

A minimum of three written quotes or tenders must be sought.

Above $150,000At least three tenders must be sought.

All new tenders associated with the procurement of construction works, and goods and services by EGW are advertised on one of the following two tender platforms dependent upon the Tender type.

Construction – Tenderlink

Non-construction – Vendor Panel

EGW encourages all businesses to register as a Supplier via the links below.  This allows registered suppliers and contractors to view and receive email updates of relevant tenders as they become available, as well as lodge tender responses online, and request and download documentation.


Contracts awarded above $100,000

In line with Victorian Government policy we provide summary details of all current contracts valued at $100,000 or more.

For any enquiries, please contact our procurement team on


Panel Contracts

EGW will undertake and establish Pre Qualified Supplier Arrangements (PQSA) for non-construction procurement activities. 

These Panel Arrangements will be created through a full tender process where EGW will go to market to establish a group of eligible Suppliers under the banner of a specific business need. This means these Suppilers will have been assessed as having the technical, financial and managerial capability necessary to perform agreed requirements and can be called upon to complete work for EGW. 

There are two types of Panels:

PQSA – Closed

PQSA – Open

This is where the goods and/or services will be supplied under agreed pricing conditions for a stated period meaning that EGW can purchase directly from a supplier without the need for a further Request for Quotation (RFQ) or Request for Tender (RFT) process.


This is a closed panel and new Vendors cannot be added while the Panel contract is current. 

This type of arrangement does not include fixed pricing and therefore requires that EGW undertake a further RFQ process.  However, as we have gone through a tender process to ensure that the Supplier complies with our technical requirements (i.e. insurances, licences etc.), procurement lead-time is significantly reduced.

This is an open panel and EGW will reserve the right to allow new Suppliers to be added after an evaluation process. 



At times new Panel opportunities will be presented to the market.  It is important, therefore, that if as a potential supplier you wish to participate in any opportunity, you register your business on the Tender Link and Vendor Panel pages so that you can be advised via email when tenders are released.

If you have any queries in relation to these Panel Contracts, please contact the procurement team at



In line with the procurement thresholds above and where a panel contract does not exist, quotes will be issued where required.

  • To guarantee that you are offered an opportunity to quote ensure that you have registered your details with a detailed description of your business and services on Vendor Panel.