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My Account

East Gippsland Water Account Details

East Gippsland Water will send you an account quarterly (every 3 months). 

Should you wish to change any information regarding your account or payment details, you can call East Gippsland Water on 1800 671 841 or complete the application form below.

Terms and Conditions

I understand and acknowledge that:

  • The information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • East Gippsland Water may refuse this application if any information or supporting documents provided is incomplete or false.
  • I approve of the information that has been provided in this application.

East Gippsland Water adheres to information privacy principles contained in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Information Privacy Act 2000. For a copy of our Personal Privacy Charter please contact us, or click here to view it online.


Change of Customer Details

    * indicates required field

    * I am updating the details of:

    * I would like to change/update my:

    * First Name

    * Surname

    * Date of Birth

    Company / Business Name (if applicable)

    * Account Number

    * Property Address

    * Postal Address

    * Contact Number

    * Email Address

    If no email entered, digital correspondence cannot be sent.

    * I would like to receive my quarterly accounts via email, to the address above:

    * Please list all the properties that you would like the change to be applied to:

    Any additional information

    Supporting Documentation
    For a name change, you are required to provide evidence.
    Please attach documentation. (pdf,doc,docx,jpg,jpeg or zip)

    If you would prefer a hard copy version of the above forms, please download a version here.