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Change of Ownership

When you buy or sell a property, your conveyancer or solicitor will contact us to transfer the names on the account. You only need to contact us if you would like to provide an alternative postal address or register a concession.

For Conveyancers and Solicitors: 

Conveyancers and solicitors can complete the Property Enquiry Application Form below.

An information statement can be applied for under section 158 of the Water Act 1989.

  • Please use this application form if you wish to enquire about the water and/or sewer fees owing on a property at a particular time
  • Please include a copy of all relevant working titles and plans
  • Please ensure 48 hours (two working days) notice is given for special meter reads
  • East Gippsland Water will endeavour to return this statement as soon as possible but in some cases this may take up to five days. If you require this statement within 48 hours, please apply for a Premium Information Statement
  • Once the form has been completed, please contact our Customer Support Team on 1800 671 841 to arrange payment via credit card.

Information Statements can also be obtained from the LANDATA website.

2024/25 Application Fees:


Standard Information Statement (3-5 days) $69.41
Premium/Priority Information Statement (1-2 days) $103.07
Special Meter Reading $82.49

Terms and Conditions

I understand and acknowledge that:

  • The information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • East Gippsland Water may refuse this application if any information or supporting documents provided is incomplete or false.
  • I approve of the information that has been provided in this application.

East Gippsland Water adheres to information privacy principles contained in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Information Privacy Act 2000. For a copy of our Personal Privacy Charter please contact us, or click here to view it online.


Property Enquiry Application Form

    Please call East Gippsland Water on 1800 671 841 to arrange payment of property enquiry / meter reading application via credit card. If no contact is made, the application cannot be processed.

    * indicates required field

    Application Details

    * Applicant Type
    * Applicants First Name
    * Applicants Surname
    Organisation (if applicable)
    * Contact Number
    * Email Address
    * Applicants Reference
    * Applying For

    Property Information

    * Property Type
    * Lot Number
    * Plan Number
    * Unit/Street Number
    * Street Name
    * Town
    * Post Code
    * Settlement Date
    Special Meter Reading Date
    * Total Sale Price ($)
    * Purchaser Name/s
    * Vendor Name/s
    Additional Information
    File Attachment
    If required, please upload files related to your enquiry here.
    Copy of title and plan must be attached. (pdf,doc,docx,jpg,jpeg or zip)