Service / Mains Locations
If you are planning to undertake any type of excavation activity, it is important to be aware of possible hazards and/or valuable assets within your proposed work site.
Prior to any excavation activity commencing East Gippsland Water advises that you make contact with our staff to obtain details of our service/mains locations. Staff will be able to provide plans (the fee for this service is $10 per plan per property) and/or other information to assist you. Please use this form to contact us.
Other services/mains (eg. telephone, gas)
Dial Before You Dig is a community service that provides information about underground pipes and cables Australia-wide.
It refers your inquiry to Australia’s communications, electricity, gas and water providers. Within a few days you will receive plans of all relevant underground services.
Dial Before you Dig
Call: 1100
If you are still unsure and require further information, on-site verification of the assets can be provided, or East Gippsland Water can be contacted directly on 1800 671 841.