Dinner Plain – an integrated water cycle management study
East Gippsland Water, working with Alpine Shire Council, has conducted an integrated water cycle management study on the alpine ski village of Dinner Plain.
This has assessed long-term forecasts for water demand at Dinner Plain, as well as options for making greater use of recycled water and alternative water sources.
Key drivers for the project include:
- Alpine Shire Council’s development of a Master Plan for the village and the council’s and community’s vision to make Dinner Plain an all-year-round tourist destination
- the consideration of options enabling access to East Gippsland Water’s irrigation site for bushwalking, horse riding, mountain biking and possible future development.
The study report concludes that:
- Dinner Plain has sufficient water supply and infrastructure to cater for the next 50 years
- the preference is to continue with current wastewater and reuse arrangements, with some operational improvements.
Funding support for the study was received from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), with assistance also provided by engineering consultants MWH in the development of an integrated water cycle management plan. This plan is designed to ensure the continued supply of water and wastewater services in a way that is as efficient, affordable and sustainable as possible.