23 February 2024
East Gippsland Water has responded to a call for assistance and donations from Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House recently by offering a quarterly rebate off their water bill.
Managing Director Steve McKenzie and Executive Manager Customers, Community and Communications David Radford from East Gippsland Water caught up with Leanne Jennings, CEO of Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House late last year to see how the organisation could provide help to this very worthy cause.
Steve McKenzie said: “Through our discussions with Leanne, it was clear that due to the nature of the showering and washing machine services offered 24/7 to people experiencing homeless and disadvantage, this would be an area where we could definitely provide support.
“We reviewed the Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House water account usage over the past five years and, following endorsement at our Customer Advisory Committee meeting in December, we have offered a quarterly rebate of up to $250 that has been gratefully received.
“This will basically eliminate their current account based on historic usage and was applied from 1 January 2024 and will be reviewed in 2028 at the end of our current Price Submission.
“The Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House volunteers do an absolutely fantastic job in helping people experiencing homeless and disadvantaged in our community and we are delighted to be able to offer support through their water bill.”
Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House CEO Leanne Jennings said: “Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House appreciates this kind offer of support from East Gippsland Water.
“Receiving a rebate on our water bill will free up finances to help homeless people using our washing facilities and also help our community kitchen support our local community and provide nutritious meals to Bush Nursing Centres across East Gippsland.
“We were only happy to jump on board and assist those in need of support during the recent storm event and power outages, with people using our washing facilities for hot showers, charging their devices and providing additional meals to the outer areas.
“We are a not-for-profit organisation so financial assistance in any form is greatly received and appreciated and corporate financial assistance is a great way to support local organisations helping locals.”
Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House supports locals who are struggling with the cost of living, or need access to food and other services. The facility also runs affordably-priced lunch gatherings for locals and prepares food for meals on wheels clients in the high country.
For more information, check out the Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House Facebook page, where they post regular updates on workshops and events for anyone to join in.
Image shows East Gippsland Water Managing Director Steve McKenzie and Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House CEO Leanne Jennings, checking out the laundry facilities